President Barack Obama released his fiscal year 2015 budget request to Congress on Tuesday March 4, 2014 and lawmakers will promptly ignore it.
But the annual ritual
highlights his policy priorities for the coming year and serves as a
Democratic Party manifesto as Democrats seek to draw a contrast with
Republicans ahead of congressional elections in November which include Overseas Tax Proposals.
The administration wants new limits on overseas tax avoidance by corporations by seeking to prevent them from playing one country's tax rules against an other's.

Many lawmakers argue this structure encourages companies to make job-creating investments in foreign countries rather than in the United States.
- Defer Deduction of Interest Expense Related to Deferred Income of ForeignSubsidiaries
- Determine the Foreign Tax Credit on a Pooling Basis
- Tax Currently Excess Returns Associated with Transfers of Intangibles Offshore
- Limit Shifting of Income Through Intangible Property Transfers
- Disallow the Deduction for Excess Non-Taxed Reinsurance Premiums Paid to Affiliates
- Restrict Deductions for Excessive Interest of Members of Financial Reporting Groups
- Modify Tax Rules for Dual Capacity Taxpayers
- Tax Gain from the Sale of a Partnership Interest on Look-Through Basis
- Prevent Use of Leveraged Distributions from Related Corporations to Avoid Dividend Treatment
- Extend Section 338(h)(16) to Certain Asset Acquisitions
- RemoveForeign Taxes From a Section 902 Corporation’s Foreign Tax Pool When Earnings Are Eliminated
- Create a New Category of SubpartF Income for Transactions Involving Digital Goods or Services
- Prevent Avoidance of Foreign Base Company Sales Income through Manufacturing Services Arrangements
- Restrict the Use of Hybrid Arrangements That Create Stateless Income
- Limit the Application of Exceptions Under Subpart F for Certain Transactions That Use Reverse Hybrids to Create Stateless Income
- Limit the Ability of Domestic Entities to Expatriate
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White House
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