According to Bloomberg The Department of Justice Tax Division is ramping up an intense crackdown on offshore tax evasion, and people hiding assets overseas should come forward as soon as possible, an agency official said March 6, 2015. Caroline D. Ciraolo , principal deputy assistant attorney general for policy and planning at the division said:
“Time is of the essence,”
“Come in now or face
the consequences.”
at the Federal Bar Association Tax Law Conference, Ciraolo said the
government's reach has extended far beyond Switzerland to jurisdictions
- Israel,
- India,
- Liechtenstein,
- Luxembourg and
- Barbados
“The lack of public disclosure
should be in
no way viewed as inaction,” she said.
This is consistent with the Government's stated position at a recent International Tax Conference in Miami, which I attended, where IRS officers were present for questions and answers.
These officers included David W. Horton, director, international individual compliance; Kelly R. Jackson, special agent in charge of criminal investigation; and W. Robert Abramitis, senior counsel, which was also posted in The Gleaner.

The IRS reasonably believes that
FATCA can work, and given that the law has the effect of forcing compliance by
every country, ultimately, everyone will benefit.
The team said that FBAR is different
from FATCA and the requirements are also different. While FATCA is reported on
the tax returns, FBAR is an informational submission that must be filed with
the Treasury Department if you have more than US$10,000 in financial assets
overseas. So, for FATCA, the financial institutions and the foreign governments
will report to the IRS directly, but for FBAR, the taxpayers must self-report
to the United States Treasury Department by June 30 each year.
The IRS officers said they have a
special interest in foreign corporations, i.e., corporations organized outside
the United States. They are interested in shareholders with at least 10 per
cent ownership and directors of these foreign corporations. Foreign
corporations are very important because that is where the big bucks are. They
want US citizens and green card holders who are 10 per cent shareholders and
directors (in said corporations) to provide information from the following
sources annually: articles of incorporation, listing of directors, annual
returns for the company filed with the registrar of companies and financial
statements. While this information is filed for informational purposes only,
the foreign corporations should file a tax return with the IRS. You should note
that the requirement applies to partnerships and trusts also.
The IRS said a record number of
Americans have given up citizenship recently and some may have done so with the
intent to get around FATCA. But the news is bad, because every one of those
citizens will be thoroughly investigated with a view to seeing if they are
trying to evade taxes.
The IRS said that people with a
certain amount of assets will be treated as if all the assets were sold and
will be taxed as at the day when citizenship was given up. This will also apply
to long-term green card holders. Also, if one has given up citizenship and
spends more than 30 days in the United States in a calendar year, he may be taxed
as if he were a citizen.
The IRS has named about a dozen
banks worldwide that are considered bad and if you have an account in one of
those banks and failed to comply with your filing and tax-reporting
obligations, you are very likely to have a problem with the IRS.
There is a program to help citizens
and green card holders become compliant with their tax obligations without
facing a penalty. This can be achieved by filing three years of tax returns and
six years of FBARs returns, and paying all taxes and interest, if you live
outside the US. But if you live in the US, there is a five per cent penalty
calculated on the highest balance of financial assets for the last three years.
You must certify under penalties of perjury that you were not trying to evade
taxes. The IRS said the break could be withdrawn at any time, so people should
jump at the opportunity to be compliant.
The IRS said it can tell when people
enter and exit the country, and lying on immigration forms and tax returns is a
federal offence. There is a website that can be used to tell whenever people
enter and exit the United States. The number of days spent in the US may be
important as follows:
For citizens, if you spend more than
330 days outside the US per year, you will not be required to participate in
Obamacare, or the number of days spent abroad will affect the amount of foreign
earnings you may be able to exclude from income, hence paying low or no tax to
Uncle Sam. For green card holders, you have immigration issues, as well as tax
issues if you spend more than a specified period outside the United States.
The IRS has said there are several
scams going on with respect to FACTA; and taxpayers should note that the IRS
does not communicate via emails. Therefore, I suggest that you should not
communicate your tax or financial information by phone, Internet or fax to
anyone, including your accountant, lawyer or tax preparer, as you don't know
who may be zooming in on your information. Go the old-fashioned way by
face-to-face meeting or use a courier service.
The IRS said people may be able to
run, but they can't hide. The IRS said it is going to have agents all over the
world, as they are going to work closely with foreign governments through the
information exchange program
and the financial institutions.
Also, they said they would be using
Internet searches and social media like Facebook and LinkedIn to find tax
dodgers, along with whistle-blowers. There will be Global FATCA, where other
countries will be following the IRS path. They are proposing one standard form
that will be used to get information from financial institutions worldwide. So,
if China wants information from Swiss banks, it will use the same forms to make
the request as Jamaica or France.
The idea is to make it easier for
the banks to retrieve information. So, we may be looking to one tax system if
the OECD has its way and tax evasion worldwide may very well be a thing of the
past in a few years' time, and the full compliance with the IRS requirements is
the best way forward.
The Department of Justice’s greater
concern is over funds that originated in the U.S. as opposed to funds that were
always offshore. Thus, U.S. profits and gains diverted to offshore accounts
garner more attention on the criminal side than do foreign gifts or inheritances
that were deposited into offshore accounts.
Reliance on professional advice,
once a defense, now has become evidence that the advisor and taxpayers were
IRS is following transfers of funds
by so-called “leavers.” Who moved funds from UBS in 2009 and 2010 and views
that foolish conduct as significant evidence of willfulness.
Preclearance of names is now taking
much longer than when the Program first opened because IRS has much more data
to go through in order to check a name.
Valuations of included non-financial
assets: IRS generally allowing no discounts (minority interest or lack of
marketability) from fair market value as it views the inclusion of the value as
“rough justice.” Any reasonable good-faith estimate of value is acceptable.
The IRS continues to see no value in
offering examples of what sort of conduct it would view as willful or
non-willful. Each determination is very fact specific and there is a large body
of case-law is applicable. Thus, the call is up to the attorney. Nothing more
will be forthcoming from IRS on the question of non-willfulness.
- Willful is one of those “know it when you see it” things.
- Ask yourself: Are you nervous about having no protection from criminal indictment, or about having to pay the civil fraud penalty or draconian FBAR penalties? If not, Streamlined is OK.
Size of the account does matter but is not determinative
other than at the extreme ends of the spectrum (very small being an indicator
of non-willful conduct and very large being a strong indicator of willful
If joint returns were filed both
spouses must file under the Streamlined Process because a joint return must be
amended with a joint return. That is because the tax is assessed on the return
and not under a closing agreement as in the OVDP (where one or both spouses can
There is no acknowledgment of filing
returns under the Streamlined Process because it is just a process for filing
tax returns. Aside from the penalty relief it is just like filing a normal
Streamlined returns are not treated as ordinary returns. You are
filing under threat of criminal prosecution if you do not meet the test of
being non-willful, and of other charges if your Non-willfulness Certification
is false or leaves out negative facts that make it misleading or if the returns
you file are in any way false or misleading.Taxpayers with accounts at listed banks can go Streamlined if non-willful.
Practitioners stated that some are submitting names preclearance even if they intend to go Streamlined, just in case evidence of willfulness is discovered. The IRS people discouraged this tactic.
The reason is that the accounting and investigative work in reviewing statements for the Streamlined may turn up evidence of willfulness. If names are submitted you will probably have 50 days before the OVDP Letter is due. During that time you should have a better idea if you can, in fact, certify non-willfulness.
You can also pull transcripts to ascertain if an audit has been commenced. But, the transcript may show an audit code before the audit has commenced. It is the sending of the audit notice and due process rights letter that commences the audit and disqualified a taxpayer from the Streamlined Process, not the entering of the code in the system.
There is no OVDP special rule for PFICs in the Streamlined Process.
Upfront Rejections from Streamlined are due mainly to the Certification on its face being insufficient and not reciting specific facts supporting the non-willful assertion. The IRS is not rejecting applicants merely because it disagrees with the conclusion that the conduct is non-willful.
The taxpayer no longer has to be otherwise tax-compliant to file returns under the Streamlined Process. The returns filed can be delinquent returns.
IRS is screening for amended returns filed outside the OVDP or Streamlined Process. So, taxpayers taking this route may expect an audit.
May be applicable to persons if not worried about criminal charges or willful FBAR penalties and feel strongly that reasonable cause is present.
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